Lawn Services

Commercial & Residential | Germantown & surrounding areas


Lawn mowing service Germantown

Weekly Mowing

Want to have your lawn mowed weekly? Join our rotation that includes weeding and cleanup as well.


Seasonal Applications

We have seasonal maintenance plans to ensure your lawn looks amazing all season long!

Spring Application: Treatments include balanced fertilizer, pre-emergent, crabgrass control, and weather permitting, a broadleaf weed control. Done late March/April.

Early Summer Application: Treatments include balanced fertilizer and broadleaf weed control. Done in late May/June.

Summer Application: Treatments include slow release, balanced fertilizer. Weed control and insecticide applied as needed. Done in early July/August.

Fall Application: Treatments include a heavy balanced rate of fertilizer and broadleaf weed control. Done in early September – mid October.

Late Fall Application: Treatment includes a heavy winterizing rate of fertilizer. Done in mid October – mid November.


Spring and Fall Clean Up

After a long winter, let us get your landscaping looking fresh again. And in fall, we can trim up your shrubs to get ready for the winter time. We’ll help you be prepared for every Germantown season.


Additional Services

Are there other areas of your lawn and garden maintenance that you need help with? We offer many other services.

Landscaping: We can design & build beautiful landscaping projects for your home, business, organization, or commercial property. 

Sprinkler Systems: We can help you keep your lawn green all summer long with sprinkler system installation and care.

Spring or Fall Core Aeration: Aerating helps air water and nutrients reach the soil and the root of the grass, promoting healthy growth and reducing soil compaction and thatch.

De-thatching:  Thatch is a layer of mostly dead grass that can build up beneath the growing grass and lead to disease and lack of water and nutrients reaching the roots. Removing the thatch leads to healthier lawns.

Slit Seeding/Over seeding: If your lawn has thin or bare spots, we can impregnate the soil with seed in order to promote new, healthy growth and a thick lawn.

Tree and Shrub Care: We provide pruning and insect treatments for trees and shrubs in order to promote growth and maintain their look.